extracurriculars at santa rosa de lima
At Santa Rosa de Lima, we work towards nurturing the mind, body and spirit of our students.
One way we ensure this is through extracurricular activities, or clubs, offered at school. Santa Rosa de Lima is excited to provide enriching extracurricular activities our students can participate in. From sports to piano and a language elective, there is sure to be a club for all students.
Please see below for information and registration for all the extracurricular activities.
One way we ensure this is through extracurricular activities, or clubs, offered at school. Santa Rosa de Lima is excited to provide enriching extracurricular activities our students can participate in. From sports to piano and a language elective, there is sure to be a club for all students.
Please see below for information and registration for all the extracurricular activities.
% School Participation
Participating Students
*Accurate for the 2023-2024 school year
what extracurriculars do we offer?
ASISA Sports: 3rd-8th graders have the opportunity to participate in the following sports: football, volleyball, basketball, and soccer
Registration Form TBD
Soccer Stars: TK-2nd grade students play soccer where they do warm ups, stretches, and learn individual + team building skills
Registration Form Below
CYO Sports: 3rd-8th grade students have the opportunity to play in competitive sports, offered only per parent coach availability
Registration Form TBD
Piano: TK-8th graders learn the fundamentals of music via electronic keyboards such as rhythm, harmony and note reading
Registration Form Below
French Elective: 2nd-8th graders learn the basics of the French language through instruction and assisted with a textbook
Registration has Ended
Choir: 4th-8th graders sing hymns during school, family, and special occasion masses throughout the school year
Registration has Ended
Cheer: K-6th grade students learn routines with elements of dance combined with shouted slogans
Registration has Ended
Folklorico: TK-8th grade students learn choreographed dances that highlight the Mexican culture
Registration at the School Office!
Gardening: 2nd-8th graders help care for plants found in the school hallway, parish hall, and church
Registration Form TBD
Student Council: An organization of students from 4th-8th grade elected by their peers to promote school spirit and community service, as well as organize activities/events
Election has Ended
ChessMates: Students in grades 1st-8th learn how to play and grow their skillset in the game of Chess
Register before Jan 17